January 22, 2019
Eight schools in the North Little Rock School District have been awarded money through the district’s Trademark Agreement Grant in order to fund creative and innovative programs t...

December 14, 2018
Five schools within the North Little Rock School District have been recognized as schools where students demonstrated exception academic growth on the ACT Aspire exams last school...

November 26, 2018
Tickets go on sale Monday, November 26, for the 7A State Championship football game between NLR and Bryant. The game is scheduled for Saturday December 1 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets wi...

November 20, 2018
At its regular November meeting, the North Little Rock Board of Education voted to name Tracy Steele as Board President for the upcoming term. Taniesha Richardson-Wiley will serv...

November 20, 2018
The North Little Rock School District has partnered with Cenergistic, a sustainability and energy conservation company, for energy reduction and utility cost savings. The five-yea...

November 20, 2018
Left to right: Morgan Hows, Ashton Davis (front), Laura Moss, Mason Burns, Lakyra Banks, Aurora King (front) Photo by C. Bartlett
Sixteen students at NLRHS have earn...

October 31, 2018
Bullying has no place in the North Little Rock School District. That’s the mantra repeated by the newly-formed Superintendent’s Student Cabinet, a group of 28 students from each ...

October 31, 2018
Crestwood Elementary will receive more than $90,000 for results on state-required assessments for the 2017-2018 school year.
The Arkansas School Recognition Program, a componen...

October 26, 2018
Bobby J. Acklin has been named Superintendent of the North Little Rock School District.
The North Little Rock School District made the decision following an executive session d...
October 26, 2018
Ten teachers in the North Little Rock School District got a surprise during the workday as they learned they will receive $500 refresh their classrooms and will represent the dist...

October 12, 2018
Today,\r\nthe Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) published Performance Report Cards\r\nfor each public school in the state. The\r\nreport provides information about each scho...

August 2, 2018
Select the link below to review bus routes. Questions may be directed to 340-5151 or 771-5150 Elementary Routes Middle School Routes High School Routes
July 31, 2018
Join The Book Express during tax free weekend on Saturday, August 4 from 10:00 a.m.-1 p.m. at Greek 4 Life located at 4231 McCain Blvd, North Little Rock,.
You will be able t...

July 2, 2018
Registro obligatorio Mandatory Online Registration
For the 2018-2019 school year, ALL students attending schools in the North Little Rock School District MUST pre-r...

June 15, 2018
On Thursday, June 14, in a special meeting, the North Little Rock School Board voted to approve Bobby Acklin as the interim superintendent for the 2018-2019 school year.
Upon ...

June 13, 2018
Super Why! To Visit Students at the NLRSD Book Express Wildcats on Wheels Summer Learning Initiative This Week Character Travels Around State To Promote Summer Learnin...

May 30, 2018
These are the pick up locations and times for NLR Academy Summer School. The schedule will be reversed in the afternoon starting at 2:05pm.
NLR Academy Middle School June 4...

May 29, 2018
Join us on the North Little Rock School District Book Express this summer! \r\n Students and their families will have the opportunity to check out books, enjoy enrichment activ...

February 26, 2018
The Early Childhood Office at Pike View will be open Monday-Thursday 8:00-2:00 to take Pre-K applications! \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Pre-Kindergarten Application \r\n Formul...
January 26, 2018
Arkansas teacher brings real-world science and math to North Little Rock Middle School
SANTA MONICA, Calif., (January 25, 2018) —Putting the fun in fundament...