The Transportation Department strives to provide the safest, most efficient transportation experience for all students and staff. It is the responsibility of the entire community and requires the cooperation of all students, parents, school staff, and citizens to make this possible.
Transportation services shall be provided to eligible students to and from their assigned bus stop and school. Bus routes are available on our website on this site. Bus stops shall be determined by the Transportation Department and assigned based on the proximity from a student’s primary residential address in eSchool.
Eligible students include those living within their school’s attendance zone, but outside the two mile walk zone (secondary students) and one mile walk zone (elementary students).
The North Little Rock walk distance to a bus stop for elementary students is up to four blocks (.25 miles) and up to six blocks (.37 miles) for middle/high school students. All students will be assigned to an existing stop within the maximum walking distance from their home.
Transportation requests should be submitted:
When a new student enrolls within the District,
When a student is promoted to a new school,
When a student's physical address has changed.
Transportation requests will be completed within 72 working hours. Once the request is completed, an email with the bus assignment information will be sent to the email address provided on the Transportation Request Form. As a reminder, all curb to curb requests will be communicated to the Transportation Department by the appropriate coordinator from the Special Services Department.
Please use the links below to submit a Transportation Request Form:
Bus Rider Eligibility
Only those students enrolled in an NLRSD school and living outside the walk zone are eligible to ride a bus. All students must be at least 5 years of age (K-12).
Bus Assignments
Students will only be assigned to a route and allowed to ride the bus to and from the address on file in eSchool. Elementary students must live in their school attendance zone to be eligible for transportation. In the event that there is no availability for an enrolling student at the elementary school within his/her attendance zone, transportation will be provided to a school outside the student’s attendance zone. The school assignment will be made by the Office of Student-Centered Support Services.
Change of Address
If a student moves, the parent or guardian must submit proof of address to the student’s assigned school. Proof of address should include a utility bill in the parent or guardian’s name or lease agreement or mortgage. A light, water, or gas bill is the only acceptable utility bill accepted.
Unless a transportation supervisor directs otherwise, all students should ride their assigned bus and get on and off the bus at their stop.
Because of safety considerations on school buses and at bus stops, students shall be required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with established standards for behavior. Video cameras may be used to record student behavior on the buses.
When a student does not conduct himself/herself properly on a school bus or at a bus stop, such instances shall be brought to the attention of the building principal by the bus driver. The building principal shall inform the parents immediately of the misconduct and seek their cooperation in controlling the student’s behavior. The principal shall discipline guilty students as deemed appropriate. In an emergency situation, the Director or Supervisor of Transportation may suspend a student from riding the bus the next morning after a student’s misbehavior.
A student who becomes a serious disciplinary problem on the school bus may have transportation privileges suspended or terminated. In such cases, the parents of the students involved shall become responsible for seeing that their children get to and from school. A bus suspension or termination prohibits a student from riding another North Little Rock School District bus.
ID BADGES (Secondary Students)
In the morning, if the driver recognizes the student on his/her regular route and they do not have an ID Badge, then we will:
Allow that student to ride to the school, write a “short” form and check “No Identification Badge.” The driver will print his/her name on the teacher's line and print the student's name.
We will locate the administrator or designee when we drop students off so that they can address the issue with the student.
There are cameras on the buses. When the bus is in operation, cameras are surveilling.
Students with special needs often require special transportation. This is available to all students with an IEP that certifies that the student is eligible for this service.
Special transportation requests must be approved by the Special Education Department.
If the student is not at home and notice has not been received by Transportation, the bus will not go by the second day until notified by the parent or guardian that the student will ride the bus again.
When the student is delivered to the home with no responsible person present, and the parent or guardian has not made contact with Transportation, our directive is to take the student to the annex building. The parent or guardian must then come to pick up the student from the annex building.
The Transportation Department will follow strict guidelines concerning weather conditions that may result in late buses, early morning black ice, flooded streets, and snow.
The department will communicate with parents when there will be a bus change or late bus. Please be sure that your contact information is updated so that you will receive messages.
Teachers and school leaders, are you planning a field trip? Do you need to schedule transportation? Please contact Ms. Kistene Scarver at
The Transportation Department is located at 1401 E Washington Avenue.
Jamie Coleman
Administrative Director of Transportation
(501) 340-5150
Kistene Scarver
Assistant to the Administrative Director of Transportation
(501) 340-5150
2024-2025 Bus Routes
All routes are subject to change.
There is additional information below that explains expectations for meeting the bus, entering and leaving the bus, and riding the bus. Click on the plus signs on the right to read the expectations.
We are always searching for bus drivers and bus aides who will make sure our students get to and from school safely. Search for employment opportunities with our district. We will be glad to have you! A link to employment opportunities is located under Additional Resources.