We Grow Together

Dear IHE Families,

Welcome to IHE! My name is Dr. Shanda R. Coleman, and I am the Principal of Indian Hills Elementary School. The staff is thrilled that you have entrusted your children’s education to us. We will make every effort to help your child achieve academically and socially this year. It is our goal to create an enriched learning environment that engages each student. Of course, we need and welcome your support and cooperation. You play a vital role in the academic success of our students; therefore, school/parent communication is crucial.

We are looking forward to a fabulous school year and have a lot of enjoyable activities and learning experiences planned for your child. Our focus is to provide each child with new challenges that will result in a rewarding school experience.Academic emphasis on the core content areas of reading, language arts, science, social studies, and math will remain a priority as well as providing a learning program that builds on each year to reach local and state standards.Instruction in the fine arts (music & art), technology, and physical education complete our program providing each student with the opportunity to develop areas of interest and skill.

Please remember that this is your school, and we welcome your involvement.Since we recognize that parents are their children’s first and most important teachers, we need your cooperation and commitment to provide them with the best education possible.Take time to talk with your children about their school experiences.Your interest and concern in their school progress will motivate them to do their best.Maintain contact with your children’s teachers and with me.Ask questions and communicate concerns so that we can build a partnership, which will ensure student success.

Indian Hills Elementary has an excellent teaching staff with a wealth of knowledge. The team is dedicated to building a safe, compassionate community of lifelong learners who are scholars, creators, critical thinkers, and problem solvers. We believe high expectations yield academic transformation for all students. We continue to be committed to doing our part in ensuring your child achieves academic excellence, and we look forward to working with you to guarantee that our goal is achieved.

Your child is in good hands! It's easy to worry about your child being away from you all day and being watched by someone you barely know. But whether their teacher is fresh out of college or has taught for years, know that we do everything we can to ensure a safe, positive, and successful year for your child. In order to help make this happen and turn your child into a confident learner, teamwork and cooperation will be required by all.

Each month, a link to our IHE electronic newsletter will be posted on Facebook and ClassDojo to keep all parents informed of our monthly activities and celebrations.

August 2019 Newsletter Link: https://5il.co/9g4f

2019-2020 Happenings on the Hill Link: https://5il.co/9g4e

Dismissal Procedure (Please be patient as we work out the kinks.)

There are 4 options for how your child will get home: car rider, walker, bus, and daycare.

  1. Car riders will exit out of the front of the building and wait under the covered awnings. WE WILL HAVE 2 LANES OF CARS FOR PICK UP.
  2. Walkers will exit the building in 2 areas: 1) If students live on the Osage side, he/she will be dismissed by the gym. 2) If students live on the Kroger side, he/she will be dismissed by the art room and will be walked across the crosswalk by the crossing guard.
  3. Bus riders will meet in the cafeteria and have assigned bus tables.
  4. Daycare will be dismissed to the gym.

If your child changes from day to day on how they are getting home, make sure that the office or child’s teacher clearly understands the plan.  It is not good enough to just inform your child about the plan.  IT MUST BE IN WRITING!

As the leader of our Indian Hills Family, I firmly believe that every child can learn and achieve the highest level of academic success with the proper preparation and support. To ensure a successful school year, please:

  • Make your child’s prompt attendance to school a priority - INSTRUCTION BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 7:50 AM DAILY
  • Allot time for reading and practicing basic math facts with your child on a nightly basis, and
  • Return all requested forms and documents to school in a timely manner.

 Our instructional program will be far more productive with your active participation. Please send your children to us well behaved, on time, equipped with the proper materials, and ready to learn. We, in turn, will send them home to you prepared to meet the challenges of the future. Your presence is not only welcomed, but it is much needed!

 School Hours: 7:50 A.M. – 2:50 P.M. (Classroom Instruction begins promptly at 7:50 AM.)

School Bus & Transportation Information will come directly from the North Little Rock School District Transportation Department. For questions, please call 501-340-5151.

 Breakfast & Lunch - Free for ALL K-5 NLRSD Students

I look forward to getting to know our new students and families. It’s going to be a wonderful school year.  I am in the cafeteria most mornings, and outside most afternoons, so please introduce yourself. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I look forward to working with you and your child throughout the school year to provide a productive and safe learning environment that supports student success. Together we will make this an excellent school year!

Sincerely, Dr. Shanda R. Coleman, Principal Indian Hills Elementary School

501-835-5622 colemans@nlrsd.org