Tardies and Early Check-Outs

 NLRSD policy states it is imperative that students arrive at school on time (by 7:50am) and remain at school throughout the school day (until 2:30). Tardies and early check-outs are very disruptive to the educational process. Excessive tardies and/or early check-outs (10 per semester)  result in reporting to juvenile authorities.

Please avoid checking out children before the dismissal bell rings unless there is an emergency. Any student arriving after the first bell in the morning (7:50) will be counted tardy. Students who are tardy must be signed in through the office by the parents. No student can be checked out after 2:00 p.m.  Any student being checked-out before the first dismissal bell (2:30) will be documented as an afternoon tardy. Exceptions can be made for medical or other necessary appointments. Written documentation is required."

* Please note that 6 tardies will equal one absence.