Cap Throw

Graduation Contract and Tickets

Participation in the NLRHS/COE/NLRA commencement exercise is a privilege extended to all senior students who have fulfilled the requirements for the completion of high school, as of the date of the ceremony. The commencement exercise is a serious, dignified, student-faculty-parent experience representing the culmination of a combined effort of the students, faculty, high school administration, and, of course, parents.

The contract addresses appropriate behavior, dress and credit requirements. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, a graduation contract must be signed by all graduating seniors and their parents/guardians and returned to the main office at NORTH LITTLE ROCK HIGH SCHOOL no later than FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. No student will be permitted to participate without a form on file.  ALL CONTRACTS—NLRHS, COE, and NLR ACADEMY—MUST BE RETURNED IN PERSON TO NLRHS.  Hard copies of the contract are available in the front office or it may be printed and brought to campus.

Upon submission of the graduation contract, the student or parent will be given 5 tickets for family and friends to attend the ceremony.  Every individual, regardless of age, attending the ceremony must have a ticket.  Lost tickets will not be replaced.  Tickets will only be given to students on the official graduation list.

Contract Drop-Off Times 

Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 8 between 10:00 a.m. and noon
Tuesday, May 11 between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 13 between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Graduation Contract

Graduation Practice

Date:  May 18, 2021        Time:  9:00 a.m.

Location:  Barton Coliseum

Graduation practice is REQUIRED and late students will not be admitted!  Students who do not attend practice or are too late to be admitted cannot participate in the ceremony. Buses will be provided for those who need transportation to practice.  If you will need transportation to practice, please email Gwen Leger at

There is no need to bring your cap and gown to practice.  However, if you plan to wear heels, it is wise to bring them to see if you can walk correctly on the arena floor. 

Be prepared for practice to last 3 hours!!


Date:  May 18, 2021        Time:  7:00 p.m.               Location:  Barton Coliseum

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.  There is no cost to park. Students will begin processing in at precisely 7:00 p.m.

Appropriate attire: 

Gentlemen:  Shirt with a collar and a tie/bow tie; dress pants, dress shoes
Ladies:  Dress (not longer than gown) or dress pants, smallish earrings, low heels or flats; no boots
                    JEANS, NO LEGGINGS

Masks:  Masks for each graduate will be provided and must be worn.

Graduation caps cannot be decorated!

How To Wear Your Cap & Gown

Only items issued by the school that may be worn with the graduation gown.  See list below.
Official honor graduate stole
Honor cords
CTE Completer cords
Arkansas Scholar Medals


Honor graduates will not be determined until the evening of Friday, May 14, 2021.  A list will be posted on the school website and on social media accounts. Beginning on Monday, May 17, honor stoles may be picked up in the main guidance office.  Please bring $20 to pick up your honor stole.  If you choose to keep the stole, the school will keep your $20.  If you would like to return the stole, the school will return the $20.  (If this will be a problem, please email Gwen Leger at

Honor and Completer Cords

Honor and completer cords may be picked up from your sponsor or teacher.  As of today, the cords have not arrived.  However, check with your sponsor or teacher regarding pickup.


We do not yet know if the ceremony will be livestreamed.  At the moment, the process is being thoroughly explored.  If it is livestreamed, an email with the link will be sent to all senior students and those senior parents with an email on file.  The link will also be posted on the school website and social media accounts.