Student Pick Up and Drop Off.

Attention Pre-K Parents:

Remember, you must use the door
at the side of the building to drop-off and pick-up your students.  The
door at the end of the Pre-K hallway is not to be used at anytime. 
After signing out your Pre-K student, please exit through the exterior
door and your K - 5 students will be dismissed at 2:20pm.  

Attention ALL Parents:

All drop-off and pick-up will take place in the back parking lot.  Please
refrain from getting out of your car and/or attempting to enter the
building during dismissal.  The safety of all children is our top
priority and it is difficult to account for all students when there are
additional adults in the building.  We appreciate your help in this

Remember, after 7:55 am

your student is considered tardy.  Six tardies will equal one absence
and will prevent your student from participating in the Perfect
Attendance celebrations.  We expect the best from our students but they
must be at school on time daily to get the most out of their education.

Thank you!